We think it is important to kick off a new year of PsyCaring by clarifying our purpose and direction. At our AGM in December, the committee agreed on our mission and vision statements. These form the backbone of everything that we do, acting as a compass to guide us through 2024, and as a touchstone to revisit whenever we are faced with organisational decisions.
Our mission is to provide support for people undergoing challenging psychological experiences, particularly in relation to psychoactive substances, including alcohol. We aim to provide welfare services to any events where these crises are likely to occur (e.g. music festivals, and live events); we also aim to provide education to reduce the harm associated with the use of these substances.
Our vision is of an Ireland where all citizens have access to harm reduction information about psychoactive drugs, where all music concerts and events have safe spaces for people who may be going through a difficult drug-induced experience. We envision a time where through educating the public, our crisis intervention services are no longer needed.