We were delighted to partner once again with the wonderful crew at Fuinneamh Festival last month. Fuinneamh, known for its celebration of music, art, and culture, offers an immersive and transformative experience for all who attend, and this year 2500 people made it down to the beautiful grounds at Bellurgan Park in Co. Louth.

Over the years PsyCare has fostered a strong relationship with the Fuinneamh organisers, and this year they were once again really supportive and accommodating to our needs. From the beginning, the Fuinneamh crew recognised the importance of providing emotional and psychological support to anyone attending who might be feeling generally overwhelmed, or struggling through a substance-induced crisis.
This year we ran what is to date our busiest festival service, and with the help of over 20 trained PsyCare volunteers we could provide a 24 hour service for festival goers across the weekend. We had almost 90 guests attend the PsyCare tent throughout the course of the festival, and we were very happy to have our programme manager from Social Enterprise Ireland who came down for a visit to see what peer-to-peer care looks like in action!
Our volunteers, several of whom were gaining their first festival stripes, were equally proud of the work they did on the weekend, and as an organisation it is really encouraging to see festivals like Fuinneamh really providing for their audience by enthusiastically embracing welfare and harm reduction on site!